Toddler Chore Chart
I love this Toddler Chore Chart from Danyelle at Dandee Designs. Designed for the pre-reading set, the chart features icons for making the bed, getting dressed, clearing dishes from the table, brushing teeth, and putting away toys. After your little one has completed a task, he or she can put a sticker on the chart for a job well done. (Don’t you love the chubby little hand in the photo?)
While we continue to get acquainted with Snowy the Guinea Pig, here are some fun links for you. Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you back on Monday!
- Cute DIY picnic plates from Martha.
- Free patterned gift tag sets.
- These cinnamon-ginger brownies are calling my name.
- This post about peanut butter pie is a sad but loving reminder to make the most of today.
- This video of Lionel Richie singing “Hello” on helium cracks me up.
- Reason #542 to learn how to sew: this adorable pillow.
- What would you do with Hello Kitty Duck Tape? I think I’ll give Lily a roll and see what happens.
Welcome, Snowy
Today was a red letter day. The younger three finished up their swim lessons in the morning and in the evening we welcomed Snowy, a guinea pig and the newest member of our household. Our neighbor Peg (of the magical cupcakes) had called earlier in the week to see if we would like to have Snowy because their middle son is terribly allergic to her.
To my credit, I didn’t say “yes” right away. Tim and I talked it over and since a) he didn’t ask if I was crazy and b) the idea of having a guinea pig sounded interesting, we decided to take her.
Snowy is officially Will’s pet. In our family, when someone turns eight he or she gets to choose a pet of his or her own. Will had hoped to get a guinea pig when he turned eight last year, but since his first grade teacher had given us Toby the lizard the summer before, we held off on the guinea pig. There are limits. Will was fond of Toby, but he felt a little cheated out of the Turning Eight ritual. So this has worked out well for Will. And we hope Jack and his brothers will be happy visiting Snowy and won’t feel too sad about having to give her up.
I was never allowed rodents as a child because my mom was completely freaked out by the rat scene in Lady and the Tramp. Or so she says. I had a dog named Billy whom I adored, so I didn’t really miss the lack of hamsters or guinea pigs. But we’re certainly making up for it now. I think they’re very sweet.
Storage Ideas and Free Printable Labels
I’m remembering now how this back-to-school thing works. Every year at the beginning of August the thought of school starting up again with its accompanying busy-ness completely depresses me. I love the long days of summer when there’s time to read and daydream and create and hang around with friends. I toy with the idea of just not sending my kids back to school.
But ever so slowly I’m lured in by the promise of fresh starts and new opportunities. Notebooks are stacked on the dining room table, waiting for stories to be written on their blank pages. Crisp-looking crayons are ready to create artistic masterpieces. And e-mails suddenly start appearing from helpful organizations with lots of ideas to share about Getting Organized for the School Year. I start thinking about all the things we love about autumn—pumpkins and birthdays and apple picking and cozy sweaters and fires—and instead of dreading the school year, I begin to feel a tiny glimmer of excitement.
With every new season, I feel the urge to get rid of extra stuff and attempt to be more organized. So I was happy to get an e-mail today from Better Homes and Gardens filled with organizing ideas. Fresh starts. I’ve included a few, but they have dozens more here.
I think these art-supply holders, made from empty Pringles containers, would be a great solution for storing our paintbrushes, pens, and pencils. And my kids would be thrilled to be told they have to eat Pringles.
What an adorable way to store tiny toys. You can find the printable here. The folks at BH&G printed the square label on heavy card stock, laminated it, and placed it inside a metal-rimmed tag. Finally, they punched a hole in the label and hung it from the tub with ribbon. And then they placed the whole thing on a cute little green chair.
I love this idea for storing beauty supplies. Ours have been tossed in a plastic bin in a drawer in the bathroom. This is much cuter. And what is it about labels? They have such authority. “Put that there,” they say. “Listen to us and everything will be under control.”
Are you excited for school to start? I know lots of people who can’t wait to send their kids off. I think they prefer the structure of the school year. If you don’t have kids or they’re grown, how do you feel about summer coming to an end?
Mabel’s Labels
The time has come to start buying school supplies. It will take a couple of trips to find everything on all four lists, but I’m determined to be done with all the shopping by the end of the week. And then, of course, comes the labeling.
I normally write the kids’ names on each item with a Sharpie, but the idea of using personalized labels from Mabel’s Labels is tempting. The Ultimate Back-to-School Combo pack, which is being offered at a discount through September 30, includes labels for shoes, clothing, and anything else you want to stick a label on. According to one online review, the labels are very durable and can survive multiple trips through the washer, dryer, microwave, and dishwasher.
Even if I don’t buy labels for any of the kids this year (the Sharpie has worked just fine until now), I’m going to file this away as a fun gift idea. And I might go back and check out the household labels. Anything to help me get more organized!