{ image + recipe }
Since I started this blog, several new mothers have asked for ideas for creating family traditions. I’ve shared some of the traditions our family engages in over the course of a “mom’s year,” but I’d like to scour around for new ideas and get input from you, too. I’m thinking about the best way to do that, but meanwhile I thought I’d share our Sick Day rituals with you since they’re fresh in my mind after Will’s bout with stomach flu last week.
But first. I realized that I used both traditions and rituals in that paragraph. Are they the same thing? Can you bear with me while I have a little fun with etymology?
I think it all starts with customs, which are more like personal habitual practices. A custom becomes tradition (from the Latin tradere, “to hand down”) when it’s passed on to the next generation and the next. So when I think about it, my mother’s custom of reading with a cup of coffee every morning became a tradition when I started reading every morning with a cup of coffee!