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Just a quick post today because it’s our first day of spring break and there are Things To Do. But I had to share a fun little moment of inspiration I had over the weekend.
I needed something distracting while I was on the treadmill, so I scoured the old DVDs on the basement shelf and found Legally Blonde 2, unopened, in the back. No idea how it got there, but I popped it into the machine and got busy running.
And then, in the midst of my huffing and puffing, I saw her: Octavia Spencer, Academy Award-winning actress, playing the part of a security guard!
Talk about a “don’t give up on your dreams” moment.
Because if you show up and work hard and schlep through playing the security guard, one day you might find yourself standing gloriously next to the glorious Meryl Streep, Oscar in hand.
I love Ms. Spencer as Minny, but I love her even more as the security guard.
Have you ever found inspiration in the most unlikely of places?