Pinterest for Writers
While the youngest three were in swimming lessons recently, I had a leisurely 45 minutes every day for two weeks to catch up on my stack of Writer’s Digest magazines. One article that caught my attention was “Pinterest is Worth a Thousand Words” by mystery writer Laura DiSilverio.
I’d never thought of using Pinterest as a writing tool, but I like DiSilverio’s idea: By creating boards of photos that “become visual representations and interpretations of the topics or themes of your choosing, you’ll not only attract new readers through images, but find new ways of looking at your fiction or nonfiction (literally).” [Read more…] about Pinterest for Writers
A “Joy”-ful Flash Mob
Thank you, Gabrielle, for sharing this video. It’s a very nice way to end a busy day.
Things to Remember as the Golden Hours Slip By
“You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip,” J. M. Barrie once said.
I’ve been thinking about that quote because there are some big changes happening around here. Andrew will be starting high school in 11 days and Lexie is heading to middle school. They’re both excited about the changes, but I find myself wondering (not very originally) how we got here so fast.
The golden hours are slipping by, but as summer ends and a new chapter begins I want to make sure I don’t forget [Read more…] about Things to Remember as the Golden Hours Slip By
Sweet Paul Magazine Summer 2012
This has been such a busy week of driving kids to practices and orientations (high school and middle school!) and birthday parties and everything else, that I’ve hardly been able to keep a thought in my head. So I was happy when a friend reminded me of Sweet Paul magazine‘s summer edition this morning.
I’m going to settle in with this online treasure trove and relax. Check it out if you have time.