Twenty-five years of married life, four kids needing to be fed every.single.day, endless hopeful PDF downloads of menu planners, and this is what it comes to: a Post-It stuck to the fridge every week with a few scribbled ideas.* As much as I like the idea of Taco Tuesdays and Crockpot Wednesdays, life inevitably messes up any plans for consistency. (It’s my turn to drive the carpool again?) So what works for me is to have the ingredients for a few dishes on hand and then decide what to have each night based on how the day is going.

The Thai Red Curry Chicken recipe comes from Once Upon a Chef. Jennifer Segal is hands-down my favorite chef. I’ve never come across someone who’s so good at creating food that feels special but is so easy to make. I bought Jennifer’s cookbook after ALL SIX of us liked all FIVE recipes I made from her website. That doesn’t happen often around here. Her pasta dishes are especially fantastic and Lily regularly makes her chocolate banana bread.
How about you? Do you have a menu-planning system you’ve been able to stick with? Or a favorite chef, online or otherwise?
* Laundry, on the other hand, is a well-oiled machine, thanks to FlyLady.
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