We woke up to this beautiful sight out our front windows this morning. Known officially as “parhelia,” sun dogs are the wintery version of rainbows, with ice crystals instead of water droplets refracting and reflecting the light.
Tim calls this one Sunrise on Tattooine:
Great photos! I was driving in the countryside near Red Wing in mid-December and witnessed the best and brightest sun dogs I’ve ever seen. Isn’t nature grand?
Yes, it is! Whenever I see something like sun dogs (or fireflies, shooting stars, etc.) I always wonder what people living hundreds of years ago thought. :0
Just lovely! Reminds me of a few years living in Grand Forks, ND where they (sun dogs, not trees) were a frequent sight.
You’re an amazing photographer, J.P., so that means a lot coming from you! It seems like the sun dogs are appearing more and more at this latitude, doesn’t it?
Just gorgeous. Your photos are amazing, especially love the first one. I have seen sun dogs for the past few days after work, but none like that where you see the entire circle.
Thanks, Grace! Photography is not my strong suit, so it’s always exciting when a photo actually captures what I’m hoping it will! I imagine you get a lot of sun dogs up in Toronto. I feel like we’re seeing a lot more than usual this year….
How lovely! I’ve never heard that phrase before. Color me informed. 🙂
Wow, that is incredibly beautiful, I don’t think I’ve seen one and I’ve lived a long time!