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Do you remember this conversation about tucking notes in lunches? I saw these sweet “Because I love you notes” on Design Mom and had to share them with you.
When I do remember to write a note, I usually just scribble something on a Post-it. But wouldn’t it be nice to be on the receiving end of something a little fancier like this now and then?
If you’re a note writer, do you like to use printed note cards or do you use whatever paper’s on hand?
I’m not sure what my type is, but I’ve got some “I’m thankful for you” Thanksgiving notes that I’m planning to write. So, we shall see. 🙂
What a nice idea, Marilyn. My grandparents, who are in their mid- to late 80s, left for Phoenix last week, and as we said goodbye I thought that I really should write them a proper note and make sure they know how much they mean to me. Thanksgiving would be a good time to do that.