+ We ended the summer with Camp Week. Which meant sleeping in a tent and making lots of kettle corn.
+ Some of us ate Deep-fried Twinkies at the State Fair. Some of us went on Extreme Rides. One of us wasn’t as excited as she would have been in the past about the extra-long ride we got on the Kamikaze. It turns out the fellow in front of us was buddies with the ride operator.
+ We made a Towel Cake for our soon-to-be cousin. Next time I’ll remember to buy ribbon.
+ One last day on the river.
+ Heading off to high school.
+ And middle school and fourth grade and second grade.
+ The Bus Cake made its annual appearance. Andrew was at football practice, but we saved him a piece. (One of the nicest things about going back to school has been listening in as Andrew gives Lexie the scoop on Middle School.)
Do you make the bus cake? It looks so cool!
Yes, I make the bus cake, Marilyn. Cake decorating is my nemesis, so I only do it once a year. š