Sometimes party ideas seem like great ideas until you actually try to do them. Locating supplies can be tricky. And once you do find what you need, the costs can be overwhelming. And that’s not including the time you need to actually put it all together.
Which is why I’m always happy to come across projects like these DIY 4th of July Sparkler Favors. They add a little something special to an event without breaking the bank or keeping me up until two in the morning (yes, I’m sorry to say that’s happened).
To make these favors, all you need are sparklers (I bought a bunch in the dollar aisle at Target), the free printable, white card stock, and an X-Acto or craft knife. Lily helped me make a bunch today, but I’m going to finish them up tonight after the kids go to bed. I’m thinking it’ll be a great excuse to continue our baseball kick and watch Bull Durham. In honor of USA Week, of course.
The only thing I’d add to the original directions is that I put a piece of tape on the back of the favor to secure the sparklers a little better.
these came out so cute. love it.