{ image: mochatini via pinterest }
Just looking at this room makes me happy. I know some people would feel overwhelmed by the clutter. Would you? I’m not a fan of clutter, but books have never felt like clutter to me. My favorite thing in the photo is the Sound of Music record sitting on the floor. Do you see it over there by the flowers? My mother had this very album and passed it along to me. I’m pretty sure I wore it out.
I always have books on my mind, but especially so today because our elementary school is celebrating the culmination of its annual February reading contest. It’s a wonderful event and gets the entire school reading. Our school librarian puts together a special assembly on Dr. Seuss’s birthday to announce the winners and it’s so exciting to hear kids cheering for reading. This year, if the school reaches its goal of reading 375,000 minutes, then the principal has to spend a day on the roof. (The year that Andrew won, he got to smash a pie into the principal’s face. I think he may have smashed a little too enthusiastically, though, because no pies have shown up since.) I think our youngest three did a good job this year. Lexie won for the school last year, but her need to write her own stuff was at odds with her desire to read. A good problem to have! As for me, I’ll just be glad to go back to reading without having to record all the minutes.
Are you enjoying any good books right now? I love the new feature Tim installed on the left sidebar that shows what we’re reading around here. If you have book recommendations, please share. I’m always looking for ideas.
Here are some fun links:
- A sweet post about sending a surprise gift here. And while you’re there, check out the Babar birthday party. So sophisticated.
- After watching two movies set in Paris this week (Hugo and Midnight in Paris), I’m itching to go! While I save my pennies, maybe this post will tide me over. My crew would especially love #1.
- Once again, we’re outgrowing our bookshelf space. Do you like any of these?
- I usually give in and buy the holiday-cookies-in-a-tube. Do you know the ones I’m talking about? These might be a slightly healthier alternative.
- Speaking of healthy, I’m on a mission to find the perfect granola recipe. Could this be it?
- This outfit has me wishing for spring.
- Free Hunger Games printable bookmarks. Lexie will love these.
- Muppet Cake Pops! Genius.
I hope you have a great weekend. Maybe spring is starting to make an appearance where you live? If so, enjoy the warmth and please come back next week!
Wasn’t Midnight In Paris wonderful??
Mmm…my favorite used bookstores look just like that. 🙂
Judy, I thought it was so charming and fun.
Marilyn, I’d love to know where the photo was taken. When I have a minute, I’ll do a little digging.
I could live in this room.
I could never think of stacks of books as clutter. They make me feel good. 🙂 I like that you’re listing the books you’re reading too. I try to keep my own blog updated with what I’m reading too. Right now, I am loving Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. I can think of a list of friends and family I’d like to give it to, and I know it’s one of the few books I will pick up and read again.
Michelle, I linked to a great article Miller wrote about New Year’s resolutions last year and I meant to read his book. I forgot all about it, so thanks for the reminder!