I love my friend Patti’s daily ritual: every morning she makes her coffee and moves the “frame” to the next day on her calendar. It’s possible she needs the frame to remember what day it is, but I like to think she’s saying, “Welcome to a wonderful new day full of possibilities and opportunities! Who knows what exciting things might happen today?”
Next to the calendar (and posted in strategic locations throughout the house) is this “Before you ‘play’ list.” I’m a big fan of visual reminders (and need lots of reminders myself), so this would work great around here. If your child hasn’t started reading yet, you could make a list using clip art or photos of your little one doing daily jobs like brushing her teeth, putting her dirty clothes in the laundry basket, putting away her toys, and so on.
Patti and I have been friends since we were six, so she’s been giving me great ideas like this for, well, let’s just say a long time.
Oh, to be as organised as you Shannon! The little notices around the house are a good idea. Think I’ll try those out here. One day I’ll create order out of chaos.
Stephanie, I’m not at all organized, which is why I need all these little tricks to help me. And even with my strategies in place, my keys end up in the strangest places, among other organizational horrors.