I love this print of the Cicero quotation by Studio Mela. At the moment my garden is mostly just a pumpkin patch, but I can dream. I’m a little more solid on the book part. Throw in an iced coffee and now we’re talking.
How about you? What would your “all I need” poster say?
My poster for “All you need” would be “The HaPpiEst PeoPle Don’T HaVE thE BEsT of EverYThinG – ThEy JuST MAKE thE BeSt of EverYThiNg.”
I love that, Cheryl.
It sounds a little hokey, but I truly believe, “If you have a peaceful heart, then you have everything you need.” However, a library is a close second. š
Peaceful. That’s my favorite word this year.