Are there enough hours before Easter to make some of these? Tim would be in heaven—Cadbury Creme Eggs are his favorite. He’s obsessed with all things Cadbury. I think it all started when he was a kid in England. These are a little too sweet for me, so I’ll stick with my chocolate-peanut butter eggs.
The recipe actually looks pretty simple, so maybe the kids and I can crank some out when they’re off from school on Friday.
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You do know that you are putting Martha Stewart to shame, don’t you?
Oh dear, I really should make these for my husband. He loves them…but I really don’t. Maybe I can think of a different way to say “I love you.” 🙂
You know, I really loved the poetry in the Lamott book. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been reading more poetry lately. I just finished Bird by Bird last night and am mulling it over. On my husband recommendation, I’ve moved on to Stephen King’s memoir, On Writing. Stephen King books are another thing that my husband really loves that I just do not, but I’m really enjoying his memoirs so far.
If you have time, you should go to Eastern Market too! Though you’d probably have to stay a lot longer to fit in everything you “should” do. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this. I’ll get Caiti onto them at the weekend. It’s so cool having a daughter who actually enjoys cooking!
Please let us know how they turned out if she makes them, Steph! I should probably get busy and make some for Tim, too.