First, assemble 19 eager kindergartners. Teach them how to say ni hao (hello) and “Gong Hay Fat Choy” (Happy New Year).
Read Lanterns and Firecrackers to explain what Chinese New Year is all about. Tell the students they’re Monkeys and Roosters. Let them giggle about that for a while. Show them where China is on the map. Nod understandingly when they say I’m from China, too!
Make Orange Bowl Collages for good luck. Admire the lovely artwork.
Make Rabbit Masks because it’s the Year of the Rabbit. Make a mental note to use a glue gun to attach the popsicle sticks to the paper plates at home next time.
Pass out Pocky sticks and plum cookies. Hand out lots more Pocky sticks and explain that the important thing is that they were adventurous and tried the plum cookies.
Line up for a parade. Hop down the hall and through the office. Laugh at the surprised looks in the faculty lounge.
Wait quietly in an empty classroom and surprise the unsuspecting students when they come in.
Hand out red envelopes filled with gold dragon coins. Wish everyone “Gong Hay Fat Choy” and hope they feel like the world’s a little smaller today.
How awesome! I bet the kiddos loved this!