Matchbook, an online magazine launched just a few days ago by Katie Armour and Jane Lilly Warren, is stuffed to the gills with decorating, fashion, and gift ideas, travel destinations, and even recipes. They hooked me with a section for Book Worms, an interview with Roald Dahl’s granddaughter, and a very charming description of what a “match girl” is on page 4.
Can we agree on something first? Let’s only read this magazine if we promise to enjoy it purely for its escapist qualities and creative ideas. If we for even one second forget ourselves and start to compare our insides to their outsides we have to exit immediately and go back to real life. Deal? Deal. Happy reading!
beautiful magazine. I agree, some things should just be enjoyed, not used for comparison and criticism. beautiful blog by the way!
oh how I love your note on here about not forgetting our self worth. fashion magazines make me feel ugly and parenting magazines make me feel like a lousy parent. but I look forward to browsing this, for funsies.
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