I would have loved a set of these Grow Baby snap tees when my kids were babies. Cute and functional. Can’t you just see the month-by-month photos lined up in a row?
- Give yourself a treat and take a peek at the beautiful creations at Sarah Jane Studios.
- The first knock-knock joke that my kids mastered was Interrupting Chicken. (Do you know it? It goes like this: “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Interrupting Chicken.” “Interrupting Chicken wh—?” “Bawk, bawk, bawk!”) And now the joke has grown into a book. Can’t wait to check it out.
- Here’s a tutorial on how to crochet a heart.
- Day 13 of the Push-Up Challenge. Ay caramba.
Love these… now just trying to figure out how to justify spending $75 on Onesies.
Oh, I know. I suppose you could get creative with iron-ons. In all your spare time. 😉